It’s as if being frugal means its ok or even necessary to waste money on gimmick products that claim to save you money. Perhaps, people who are historically conservative with their money feel as it is their obligation to purchase products like a plastic cap that keep soda cans slightly fresher or a gadget to help you squeeze the last drop of toothpaste from an empty tube. After all, “frugalites” have a reputation to maintain. However, will these types of products produce long-term savings? Alternatively, will they simply be something we use a few times and eventually throw or give away?
In my opinion, such “cheapskate accessories” tend to conflict with the theory of cheapskates. A typical cheapskate would just use their fingers to get toothpaste out of a tube or would not open a can of pop if they knew they were not going to finish it. Generally, such products barely work as well as they are advertised and often are trying to fill a product gap that doesn’t even exist.
Here are a few of such of such gimmick items and what I foresee as their actual value:
•Bottle Top – Bottle tops are intended to turn your can of pop into a bottle, which is suppose to prevent spills and extend the life of pop. Will somebody who purchases this actually make the effort every time a can of pop is open to put on this plastic cap? Will it even be clean from the last time? Will they even know where they put it? Finally, if you’re in the habit of not finishing your pop, then consider buying less and purchasing something that already has a cap, like drinks in a bottle (brilliant!).
•Pasta Boat – The pasta boat is supposed to change the way we make pasta by allowing us to cook, strain, serve and steam pasta all in one plastic device. While this may sound appealing, let us first remember microwaving and eating out of plastic is not advised. Second, what is wrong with the strainer we have already purchased?
•Pedi Paws – For all of us with dogs, the Pedi Paw is supposed to be the pet nail trimming solution that we cannot live without. This device is designed to actually file your pet’s nails, which will save you trips to the groomer. While this product may work on the occasional (extremely chill) dog, most of us realize a motorized device to trip their nails is humorous. Again, use the clipper you already have or you will likely waste $20 on a filer that you try once and store.
If a device is intended to save you money, that alone doesn’t automatically justify it as a smart purchase.
-originally posted by milkyourmoney.com
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